Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Beerstein family portrait by the "Maestro"

Maestro Francios Metrelonge presented Reich Duke Wilhelm von Beerstein with a magnificent portrait of the Ducal family. Seated in front row are the Dowager Duchess Irene, the Reich Duke, and Duchess Lynda. Standing are the Grafin Sofia, General Graf James Louis, Prince Wilhelm II, and his fiancee Lady Louise von Pilsner. The painting has been ordered to be displayed in the Reichstag for two weeks so that all of Beerstein can have an opportunity to view the great work.


PaintPig said...

Years ahead of his time, what realism, you could almost reach out and touch them. Erzherzog Rudolph II von Hesse Cassoulet congratulates you on being so fortunate as to have such a fine looking family.


Die alte Aechzener said...

I see the Holbein effect in full force - my congratulations! :)