The Principality of Andorronia's Royal Almughavars Mountain Fusiliers arrive in our training area to join the Beerstein Foreign Legion.

Saxe-Bearstein's Regiment von Schafbock also marched proudly into our training area. Colonel von Schafbock was pleased his battalion was not confused with the renowned von Carling Regiment despite the similarity of their uniforms.

The 4th Dragoons of the Republic of Neues Sudland, nicknamed "The Ponces", form the first squadrons of Beerstein's Foreign Legion.

The 4th Dragoons await the announcement of which ally will volunteer a light cavalry unit to fill out the cavalry brigade.
The Beerstein Foreign Legion is growing fast, steadily and more and more colorful (colorful and colourful indeed, under a collection of brilliant flags): compliments!
Hopefully the light cavalrymen will be hussars -they would fit nicely (green, orange and purple-violet are currently missing from the Legion's palette).
The contrast between the multicolored Legion and the black-clad Beerteiners will be striking - but may attract an undue proportion of enemy's attention -and fire- on the Legion. Well, it's a tradition of Foreign Legions to receive the hardest, bloodiest missions, and occasionally to be sacrified...
P.S.: did you decide on the next destination of the Royal Tourists?
Louys of Monte-Cristo,
We are actually hoping for a magnificent squadron of green hussars! The Grand Tour is currently en-route to Cavenderia...
They all look good, sir . . . of course we like the Regiment von Schafbock the best . . . I wonder why?
-- Jeff of Saxe-Bearstein
The Commanding Officer of Princess' Hayley's Hussars is petitioning King Phillip to be allowed to join Bree's Battery.
They wear a predominatly Green Uniform of Saxon Hussar style. If anyone can point me to a template I'd appreciate it.
Princess Hayley is very excited to hear a Squadron from her named Regiment is to be sent to join Bree's Battery in service with "The Legion".
Just as posted at 'Emperor vs. Elector' weblog a few minutes ago, I love your collective work. Many thanks for having taken into account my suggestion about the completely fictional Andorronian principality battalion -a completely fictional country, even in you Imagi-world!!
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