The Second Battalion of Stummel's Regiment, Frundsberg Frei Stadt march proudly in line.

Frundsberg Frei Stadt form column of march.

Bree's Battery, Royal Regiment of New Wales Artillery, Holy Moroan Kingdom take up their position while the Frundsberg Infantry march past.

Parting shot of the first two units of the newly established Beerstein Foreign Legion.
The contrast between the yellow of the Frundesbergers and the dark blue of the New Walers is really pleasant.
If -and no doubt of that- the Beerstein Foreign Legion turns out to be as good as it is glamorous and colorful, it will be an elite outfit of great repute!
The Battery looks magnificent, as does the Infantry.
The "Canaries" look very spiffy. Good luck to them and Bree's Battery in future martial endeavors.
Nice work. Very colorful! The yellowjackets are very distinctive. I bet they come out abuzz and fightin" when they're disturbed. ;-)
Nice yellow coats, which look extremely good in a group. What do you make your flags out of, by the way? Are they just printed on paper?
They all look good . . . and I like the "yellow jackets".
-- Jeff
I print the flags from my computer. Sir David of Not by Appointemnt created the Beerstein flags and emailed them to me. The flags of my Foreign Legion are obtained from the country of origin sites.
Nice looking units. The artillery look good in that redoubt
-- Allan
If interested in miniature vivandieres or, more generally, Lace Wars ladies in semi-military dress (daughter of the regiment / regimental god-mother / inhaber's wife / honorary colonel Prinzessin…) feel free to look at my O5.07. "09 comment: corrections and additions welcome!
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