The Reich Duchy of Beerstein's Guard Band arrives to the cheers of the citizenry.

Reich Duke Wilhelm and Duchess Lynda arrive in their carriage.

The Guard Band deploys for the concert.

Reich Duke Wilhelm and Duchess Lynda depart the carriage and mount their steeds to join the Guard Bands in a tribute to the artillery. The light gun is being prolonged into line as the band plays on.
Hip, hip, hip! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! NIce looking band there as well as the carraige and kettle drum cart (???).
Best Regards,
Congratulations, an enviable band!
Hey Cap'n Bill,
Snazzy looking bunch of musicians. There's nothing like an "Oom-Pah" Band to raise a soldier's spirits. Do they take requests?
Well Done,
A magnificient creation of the Reich Duke!
Now that is civilised! (Although, like their often civilian counterparts in 18th century armies, no doubt they will disappear when the shooting starts and reappear when it's safe again... Very sensible. :-))
Lovely looking band drum carriage
-- Allan
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