I have been gradually replacing my Front Rank Beerstein Cavalry with RSM figures to match my RSM infantry. The Front Rank cavalry will be retitled as Boozewickers to match their Front Rank infantry. The Heavy Brigade are comprised of the Kronenberg and Corona Cuirassiers. Handsome lads, I think.

RSM Pilsner Horse Grenadiers arrive at our training area.

Furstenberg Dragoons are classic RSM figures.

Holsten Leib Hussars on parade.
Very nice!
I've long been a fan of RSM. Their figures have an elegance and it doesn't hurt that they are quite economically priced.
You've done them good service with your paint brush too, sir.
-- Jeff
A lovely array, sir! I like the hussars and the horse grenadiers. Good work on the skull and crossbones motif on the mirlitons there. I have a regiment of RSM dragoons waiting for the painting block to clear so I can get to work on them.
I've Got to have a unit of those fine horse grenadiers!
Majestic heavy cavalry, although for some reason your blog always makes me thirsty.
So good-looking regiments!
Thus, the 'old' Beersteiner army will become Boozewickers? A whole army to (re)discover...
Does Boozewick claim to be 'Lager Beerstein' and the Reich Duchy to be only 'Schwarbeertsein'?
Splendid troops! Though I'm not so sure about the morality of "dragooning" former Beersteiner troops into the Boozewick army lock, stock and regiment - smacks very much of Frederick forcing all those Saxons into his army in 1756. ;-)
Excellent looking horsemen. The RSMs are really marvelous little fella's and you've done a splendid job with them. By the way; any truth to the rumor the the Duchy is actually a "dry" realm? - Mike
And what would be so wrong about dragooning foreign soldiers into your army? They look nice and I see a Minden officer with the hussars.
Lovely stuff; a great addition to you collection
-- Allan
Enjoyed the blog, it reminded me of many happy hours learning "In The Grand Manner" with Airfix figures on the floor.
I would have liked to use Spencer Smith figures, but they had just gone out of production when I discovered wargaming.
I was also pleased to find that you also allow your cat to take part in your wargames. Not that it would be easy to prevent him from doing so.
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