The Amberbock Fusiliers expand to five companies.

The new five companies of the St. Pauli Pontoniers march on parade.

The Principality of Andorronia's Royal Almughavar Mountain Fusiliers were also expanded to five companies. Eventually all Beerstein Foreign Legion units will be enlarged.

The second battalion of the Stummel's Regiment, from the Frundsberg Frei Stadt, demonstate their new strength while on parade in the Beerstein Training Area.
An excellent and formidable array, sir! Are the Amberbock Fusliers plastics? If so, it took a close look at the expanded photo to detect the difference.
These battalions are grand,they really look the part and the flags are especially nice.
Thanks for showing them,
The Amberbock Fusiliers are RSM figures and the Foreign Legion units are sash and saber figures...
Good-looking troops, sir. Thank you.
-- Jeff
Very nice; impressive bodies of troops!
Lovely work , and I'm relieved to see your battalions expanding faster than my waistline :)
& glad to see you post again, I was wondering what you were up to!
Damn! My wife's right - I need my eyes tested again... =S
Still, jolly nice figures!
truly a growing concern in the ranks of table-top ready forces!
Time for a grand revue?
when will you be hosting proxy-games?
Fine looking battalions
-- Allan
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