General Lord Calvert and his hounds assume command of the Covenant of Colon Army. His own Hesse-Boozewick Glenfiddich Grenadiers muster in their training area.

Hesse-Boozewick's Ballantine's Musketeers muster with their Grenadier company.

Murphy's Musketeers sport their new Hesse-Boozewick flags.

Lord Calvert inspects the Seagrams Fusiliers. His standard represents the four armies of the Covenant of Colon, Duchy of Hesse-Boozewick, Landgrave of Lorraine, Margrave of Muscovia, and the Bishopric of Bristol

Col Seagrams admiring his new battalion flags.

A better look at the Hesse-Boozewick Glenfiddich Grenadiers.

Schenley's Musketeers and the Meyers Musketeers form the first brigade
Splendid and impressive!
Love the dogs too. :-)
Impressive and stern-looking (Hesse-Seewalder drill?) indeed. A dangerous, yet certainly worthy opponent for the Reich Duchy. Maybe we in Monte-Cristo are optimistic, but we cherish the presumption that anyone loving dogs is a chivalrous adversary.
Excellent units and flags! I like the small buildings, too. The command stand with the dogs is a very nice touch. Yeah, they can't be all bad if they like dogs, right?
A fine body of men
-- Allan
So it's the Covenant of Colin, no longer that of Colon (unless it's, hopefully, a typo?)? How regrettable! Monte-Cristans will no longer be able to utter abysmal puns about the Covenant of Colon, which is but a pain in the... for the Reich Duchy. And I could not entitle this comment: 'Colon Ascending'... Too bad.
I known, Monte-Cristo is the shame of the decent, civilized world.
Covenant of Colin is a massive typo. They are still the Covenant of Colon and all that entails...
So let's read the entails...
Be warned, a few in Monte-Cristo are tempted to believe that, whil all his Nations are dear to their Creator, the Reich Duchy is closer to your heart (or throat?) while the Covenant is closer to...
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