On the Beerstein right flank, the Coors Cuirassiers attacked the Lorraine Limoges Cuirassiers and pushed them back several hundred passes. The Coors Cuirassiers held the ground to assist the Oldenburg Grenzers who were attacked by the Languedoc Cuirassiers. Amazingly our grenzers were able to repel the Lorraine Cuirassier with heavy losses.

On the left center, the Pabst Musketeers were attacked by the Lorraine Guards and the Burgundy Battalion. Reich Duke Wilhelm watches as the Provence Battalion attacks the Isenbeck and Auerbrau Musketeers. It looks like the the Lorraine troops are on a roll.

On the right flank things look promising for the Beersteiners. Both Lorraine Cuirassiers have been pushed back and the Warsteiner Fusiliers seem to be out shooting the Champagne Battalion. Brig Sir David seems very pleased indeed!

On the far right, the Holstein Leib Hussars have been repulsed by the Loire Grenzers and the Auerbrau Musketeers have been severely damaged by the Lorraine Artillery Battery and an attack by the Provence Battalion.

The gallant Holstein Hussars were repulsed again by the Loire Grenzers. Both units have suffered heavy casualties, but the Lorrainers were clearly victorious.

In the center, the Pabst Battalion forced the Lorraine Guard to retire several hundred passed and saved the Auerbrau Battalion from complete destruction. Although the center is holding the Beerstein boys are still in a difficult position.

Reich Duke Wilhelm watches as the Lorraine Infantry renew their assault in the Center. Despite the Slitz Battery finally getting into position on a low ridge it looks bad for the Beersteiners.

Reich Duke Wilhelm ordered the Corona Cuirassiers and the Warsteiner Fusiliers to attack the Chablis Battalion. Under the cover of this final assault, the Beerstein army retires from the field yielding Heineken Abbey in the hands of Landgrave Camil de Lorraine.