The bride, Lady Louise von Pilsner, arrives at St. Pauli church to wed Prince Wilhelm II von Beerstein. All of the painting of the great event were provided by Alan Tidmarsh of Dorset: UK, affectionately known as Tidders. Well done sir!

The great moment was presided over by the Arch Bishop of Beerstein himself.

At the precise moment, the Leib Battery fires a twenty one gun salute from the Fortress of Kronenberg.

The Royal Wedding Carriage is escorted back to the palace by Prince Wilhelm's own Pilsner Horse grenadiers, sporting their red ceremonial uniforms.

The Royal Wedding Carriage arrives at the Palace to be greeted by Reich Duke Wilhelm and Duchess Lynda. Security is provided by the Beerstein Honorable Pensioners, our senior infantry battalion.

The happy couple dance their first dance to the delight of court and honored guests. In honor of the magnificent painting of the Royal Wedding, Reich Duke Wilhelm as invested Tidders into the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Tankard.